Training of Trainers: Flour Fortification Program Planning, Implementation, and Monitoring


19 September 2016 - 23 September 2016


Location: Bolton White Hotel, Abuja, Nigeria

Region: Africa


The overarching goal of this event was to increase the capacity of flour fortification stakeholders in Africa to plan for, implement, and monitor well-developed, feasible, and efficient flour fortification programs. See the concept note.


Primary topics covered were:

  1. Preparing for a training event

  2. Training adults

  3. Fortification and monitoring basics

  4. Multi-sector alliance

  5. Legislation and standards

  6. Premix

  7. Monitoring plan

  8. Equipping a flour mill

  9. Internal monitoring

  10. External monitoring

See the full meeting report, including participant list and their evaluation of the training.


People from six West African (Ghana, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, The Gambia, Senegal, and Liberia) countries attended. They represented a variety of career backgrounds and a range of flour fortification experiences. See more photos here.


This event is organized by the Food Fortification Initiative (FFI), and Helen Keller International (HKI) with financial support from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).